Connor Barwin’s Transition from Philly to Los Angeles


Connor Barwin’s Life in Los Angeles as an Unknown

To say Connor Barwin’s life in Los Angeles is different when compared to his time in Philadelphia would be an understatement.

As a professional football player for the Los Angeles Rams, he has slowly started to grow more accustomed to living in a city different from Philadelphia. For example, many times he’s found himself sitting at local bars and restaurants by himself, mainly because people don’t recognize him as a professional football player at all. Compared to when he was still an Eagles player and people approached him and recognized him all the time.

To put it simply, when Barwin was in Philadelphia he was a huge celebrity but in L.A. he’s practically just another face in the crowd. But according to him, he actually prefers it to be that way at this point in his career. He’s currently renting out a home in Malibu and admittedly hadn’t explored as much of Southern California as he would like, but has gone on multiple walks when traveling to and from the Rams’ training facility.

The Rams are currently only in their second season back in L.A. but remain really low on the list of popular sports in the area, despite the team boasting a winning season. When asked about his current adjustment to life on the west coast, Barwin and his wife, Laura, say that he hasn’t been spotted as a player since the start of the season, but before that he was recognized only as an Eagles player. He added that he actually didn’t even know where the radio station was here, but when he was in Philly he could pretty much feel when football season was on its way.

However, even though Barwin wears a Rams uniform now, he says that he will always have a connection with Philly, stating he personally rooted for the Eagles to win their games earlier in the season. In addition, he also has maintained his Make the World Better Foundation in the city, a group dedicated to helping rebuild playgrounds scattered around the Philadelphia area. This is especially true of playground projects in South Philadelphia and West Kensington.

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