Meter Up Makes a Resounding Comeback to Philadelphia to the Delight of Drivers


Philadelphia drivers have every reason to be happy courtesy of the highly anticipated return of the “meter up” payment system through smart phones. The Philadelphia Parking Authority recently selected a new service provider tasked with setting up the new app and ensuring its operational status before December. According to Deputy Director, Corinne O’Connor, the Authority learnt a valuable lesson by opting for the lowest bid during the previous session. Despite hiring Pango as the service provider to cover all mobile parking payments at a one percent transaction fee, the company surprisingly went out of business a year later.

While addressing a congregation of journalists and pundits, O’Connor hailed the latest strategy that entailed forming a committee comprising of senior staff, revenue control, ticketing, meters and IT experts. By pursuing this strategy, the executive board would be responsible for data management, stickers, signage and kiosks retailing credit and debit cards. Such a strategy played an integral role in calculating the annual costs needed to effectively run the business.

How Selection Was Conducted

The Board adopted an impressive approach by picking the second-highest bidder from the group of four bidders, who happened to charge 40 cents for every transaction executed. As such O’Connor firmly believes that ParkMobile is competent enough to successfully execute its duties during its three-year contract. Additionally, O’Connor hailed ParkMobile’s extensive presence across several cities such as New York, Washington D.C. and Denver. Having been in business for over seven years, the company is in a prime position to effectively executive tasks with finesse.

The PPA precisely instructed the new service provider to begin implementation of the program within 60 days as stipulated in the contract. The project’s implementation is expected to cover the first three phases of its contract before the commencement of 2018. The three phases include Fox Chase, Fringe, Center City Core, Fern Rock and University City.

How the App Operates

Drivers are required to download the new app, still named Meter Up and will be operational within 2-4 weeks earliest provided every stipulation is met and executed according to the Law.

Benefits of using MeterUp

By downloading Meter Up, drivers are in a prime position to receive numerous benefits. For starters, previous struggles in payment of parking system will be a thing of the past. With the app, drivers can conveniently make payments and park their vehicle without fear of repossession. Additionally, the online payment system has significantly averted bureaucracy experienced in the payment system.

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